Droll Yankee Flipper: The Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder That Feeds Just the Birds


It may still be unseasonably balmy in much of North America, without too much snow on the ground yet, but it’s nearly winter as far as wild birds are concerned. It’s nowhere near too soon to start feeding them. It takes some time for them to find the feeder, but find it they will and they will come back regularly once it gets really cold and snowy. During the summer, the yard may have held flowers and been bathed in bright sunshine, but the winter can be cold, dark and barren without birds to fly around and liven things up. Wild birds are lively and colorful, and the seed you supply will keep them around and help sustain them. They are endlessly fascinating to watch and hear, and they really don’t eat very much. Squirrels, on the other hand, tree rats, “ … rats with cuter outfits,” as Carrie says in Sex and the City, eat very much. You don’t need to feed them, but if they can get to your bird feeder, they’ll empty it in no time at all.

The Droll Yankee Flipper

Here’s where the Droll Yankee YF-M Yankee Flipper comes in. The endless battle of wits between Bird Feeding Man and Squirrel is won most of the time by Squirrel – you will start off grossly underestimating the squirrel’s athleticism and sheer persistence. They can jump, and hang, and climb better than you can ever imagine. Happily, the human’s superior intelligence is manifested by many models of “squirrel-proof” bird feeders. The best of which, especially for the price, is the Yankee Flipper, made by a company in here in the USA. Birds, having evolved to be light for ease of flying, perch at the bottom and eat at will. Squirrels, being larger and heavier, weigh the ring down and close off the switch to the rotating motor. The quality is high, and the battery is replaceable. It also has a lifetime warranty against squirrel damage. Your bird seed supply will take a long time to run out – the feeder has a large, 5 pound capacity and there will be no thievery … High-quality bird food will ensure that your feathered friends are well-fed and happy. Affordability: 7 Luxury: 8

Available from Amazon.

Yankee Flipper Hangs from Tree

The Droll Yankee Flipper in Real Life

The Droll Yankee Flipper stands out in the world of squirrel-proof bird feeders with its unique weight-activated design. The squirrel will climb down, stop at the top and think about their next move. Sometimes they will try unsuccessfully to chew through the metal top. As hard as they try, that never works. Then they will cautiously stretch as far as they can – not quite far enough. When a squirrel lets go and goes down to the ring, the motor will spin it and the hapless squirrel goes flying off. This is very entertaining. My local squirrels have mostly all learned their lesson but there are some good videos over on YouTube. With a rechargeable battery and a large 5-pound feed capacity, the Droll Yankee Flipper ensures that your feathered friends are well-fed while keeping the squirrels at bay. Its four larger feed ports accommodate a variety of birds, making it a versatile and effective addition to any backyard.

Top of Squirrel Proof Feeder Chewed by Years of Squirrels

Benefits of Using a Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Using a squirrel-proof bird feeder offers several benefits that go beyond just keeping squirrels out. First and foremost, it allows you to enjoy the beauty of birds in your backyard without the hassle of squirrels stealing their food. Squirrel-proof bird feeders also help to prevent the spread of disease, as squirrels can carry diseases that can be transmitted to birds. Additionally, these feeders can help to reduce waste, as squirrels will eat it all and spill seed on the ground. By using a squirrel-proof bird feeder, you create a safe and welcoming environment for birds, ensuring they have a reliable food source throughout the year.

Choosing and Maintaining Your Bird Feeder

Choosing the right bird feeder for your backyard can be overwhelming, especially with so many options available. When selecting a squirrel-proof bird feeder, consider the type of birds you want to attract, the size of your backyard, and the level of maintenance you’re willing to perform. Look for feeders made from durable materials, such as polycarbonate or steel, and consider features like weight-activated perches and seed ports that close when a squirrel tries to access them. To maintain your bird feeder, simply wash it with warm water and dish soap, and refill it regularly. By following these tips, you can enjoy the beauty of birds in your backyard for years to come.

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One Response to Droll Yankee Flipper: The Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder That Feeds Just the Birds

  1. Lenna Marquart says:

    With the onset of autumn wild birds will have started migrating from one place to the other. And in many cases feeding these birds becomes a treat to the eye. But in order to attract a variety of birds it is essential to have the right kind of wild bird food. Along with this you also need to gather knowledge about different varieties of bird feeders, nest boxes and bird baths that attract birds.^

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