Wooden toys are usually a timeless design, are fairly high-quality and tend to hold up well to the wear and tear of the actual play that kids will inflict upon a popular toy. Wooden baby toys are particularly safe and offer developmental benefits, making them an excellent choice for infants. Wooden toys will stand out in a group of plastic toys, so they will attract the children’s attention on special occasions when there will be a lot of toys around. Handmade wooden toys are eco-friendly and non-toxic, supporting small businesses and promoting a retro-chic aesthetic in playrooms and nurseries. Let’s also remember that wooden toys are sustainable and are not made from fossil fuels, like plastic ones. With all that in mind, here’s AL’s list of the all-time greats, in approximate order of the age of the child recipient:

Alphabet wooden blocks
Playing with toys is a child’s job, and the result of that job is reaching an understanding of the physical world. Building blocks, such as alphabet blocks, play a crucial role in promoting creativity and cognitive development. The next stage in the job is learning to speak and then reading and writing, and alphabet blocks are the perfect early learning toy for all those things. These blocks also help develop fine motor skills through engaging play. They’re non-toxic, and too big to swallow. Available from Amazon.

Architectural blocks
Your basic building block, such as smooth sanded hardwood blocks, teaches children how the man-made world is put together, and of course one of the most fun parts of that is seeing (and hearing) how that world can come crashing down. These blocks are known for their durability and aesthetic appeal.
They are also good for children who may put them in their mouths, and older children will enjoy making more elaborate structures, and then may be knocking them down, too. Architectural blocks encourage imaginative play, allowing children to create small worlds and engaging narratives. Available from Amazon.

Baby Walker
There are many varieties of these; the one my son had always reminded me of a lawnmower.
Nothing’s more natural than the gradual process of a baby turning into a toddler. The best wooden baby toys play a crucial role in supporting developmental stages. The walking part’s easy; the hard part is learning to let go and not fall. Baby walkers help develop hand eye coordination by engaging babies through visual and tactile stimulation. The baby walker gives a child the security of something to hold onto and the freedom to go wherever on their own. Available from Amazon (and lots of other places).

Croaking Frog
Handmade wooden toys, like the croaking frog, offer unique charm and benefits, being eco-friendly, non-toxic, and supporting small businesses. The croaking frog is handmade and sold in many developing countries in Asia and Central America. The handle comes out and is used to make a realistic, rhythmic croak by sliding it along the back and tapping the large hollow volume. In Costa Rica, for example, they are for sale literally everywhere in any size and color you could imagine (or get one carved to order if you’re there and have the time). They are a truly unique gift, handmade by people who really need the money.

Tinker Toys
We are at the 110th anniversary of Tinker toys, invented in 1914. Everyone knows the construction toy with the round wooden hubs and colored sticks, much like the innovative and versatile magnetic wooden blocks that engage children’s creativity and learning.
These are for children who are older and more coordinated than the more basic blocks and they could be a choking hazard. Tinker Toys also encourage imaginative play, fostering creativity and storytelling in children. Even adults can be intrigued at the complex structures that one can make with these. Not surprisingly, these are now made in plastic as well. Some say the plastic sets are better. The choice is yours. Available from Amazon.

Lincoln Logs
Another iconic American building toy, designed in 1916 by John L. Wright, son of Frank Lloyd Wright, uses FSC certified wood to emphasize sustainability and ethical sourcing. The notched logs enable children to make very sturdy wooden structures, while reminding them that houses used to be made directly from trees. It also reminds them of the humble background of our 16th President. Available from Amazon.

Walking Bike
These wooden push bikes and pull toys have become increasingly popular with young children, who love to push or pull them along, inspiring movement and motor skills as they coast for longer and longer distances.
They seem to work well as bicycle balance trainers, shortening or eliminating the time needed for training wheels. The German LIKEaBIKE is beautiful and durable, but you can get them much cheaper from other manufacturers. Or accomplish the exact same principle by just removing the pedals from an existing child’s bicycle and letting them practice rolling and balancing on the bike they can pedal later.

Do you see a pattern here? Children love to build things and make noise, so many of these toys are about those two activities. But isn’t music a form of noise?
Musical toys, such as xylophones, play a significant role in promoting sustainability and creativity. They can just bang away on the xylophone and try the different sounds and eventually they will learn that sound can be organized just like anything else in the world, and after that, who knows? If the child is going to be like Mozart, it’s best to start early. They also learn that words can begin with X. Available from Amazon.

Automoblox Toy Cars
The original Automoblox company is now a part of PlayMonster, and not 100% wood, but I liked them so much I gave them their own post. They are still available from Amazon, eBay and other sites.
The combination of great looks, high quality and interchangeability gives them tremendous play value. You can have fun with one, or get more and combine them in custom ways. There were many new designs, but they still maintain the basic form factor. The standard ones are reasonably priced, and they also make Minis, which are half the size and one-third the price. Available from Amazon.

Marble Runs for fine motor skills
OK, more blocks, but these are tons of fun and are one of the best toys to get grownups down on the floor to play. Wooden blocks, in particular, inspire creativity and support learning in children of various ages.
Kids get the general idea, that marbles run downhill and drop through the holes, but adults can always think of more things to add or a better way to do them, then as soon as you’re done, the marbles go. Lots of companies make these, but I liked Haba, for their high quality and enormous variety of add-ons. Plus, they’re wood, and some runs are made of plastic, and we don’t want that. Available from Amazon.
That’s the top ten, for now. If we left anything out, please let us know in the comments.
Sustainable? How easy is it to recycle these things when Junior outgrows them? You could pass them on to another kid, but most wooden toys would only last a couple of “generations.”
Now, take LEGO bricks. Yes, they are plastic, but they last forever and if they do break, just toss them in the recycle bin to be made into something else.
Passing these on and they can go for forever almost. Heck, I have some LEGO bricks my dad played with back in the early 50’s. And I am sure my son will pass my LEGO bricks on to his kid(s).
Thanks for the comment. I certainly agree that LEGO is the best toy ever, for many reasons. I wrote a post about it last month:
Styrofoam blocks cut from one-time-use ice-chests are the most sustainable toy of all. In fact, you we should all avoid reusing such ice chests in order to hoard as much material as possible to keep out of the landfill. Even if you don’t need an ice chest right away, buy ten styrofoam ice chests and store them in your garage– using proper 24-hour lighting of course, to prevent mold.
And it’s absurd to say that wood blocks don’t last but two generations. Why, they last at least two and a half generations. And what kind of maniac makes toy choices based on whether or not they last two generations? Who is going hang onto blocks to pass on to their posterity.
I hope you’ll have a look at Citiblocs ! Kids love this sleek unusual design and open ended building construction system….no connectors or snaps or glue – just gravity and imagination – have a look please – satisfaction guaranteed for play power – we have to brag because we’ve had 40 awards in the last two years and recently a 100% Kid Tested top award from the Goddard Schools – Thanks for letting me brag.
Thanks for your comment (I made a small edit). I’ll definitely check out Citiblocs – I see they are made of wood!
Additionally there are trips and destinations regarding youngsters, all of which are Egyptian designed.