Kidde Kitchen Fire Extinguisher

I expect that everyone would agree that if your house catches on fire, then having a fire extinguisher handy is at that point in time the most luxurious thing in the world. The kitchen is the center of home life in many ways, but the oven, stove, toaster and other electrical things can turn out to be a fire hazard. Not only will it put out B and C fires, but the Kidde FX10K Kitchen Fire Extinguisher has the additional feature of being clean. If you are going to be spraying a fire extinguisher around where the food is to put out a fire, you will also appreciate that its discharge is completely non-toxic, mostly just plain old baking soda. When you wipe it up, it’s cleaner that before. Plus it comes in a healthy milk and egg white color. Might be the best $22 you ever spent.

Affordability: 9                  Luxury: 10 (11 if you have a real fire …)

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